Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Mothers Day

In the beginning
The mother was everything
The mitochondrial mother
The cellular mother
The mothers didn't have any mother-
efficient automatons, replicas,
And then one day my mother made
Me read Maxim Gorky's Mother, human
Mother, you know
And I wondered who these mothers were,
Good mothers, was mine one too?
Do we have bad mothers?
Bush had a mother, Escobar had a mother,
Bad childrens' equates bad mothers'?
And you have one too, good or bad, but
The question is who was the original
mother, the algal mother,
the prometheal giver,
the astral figure,
the life originator? 
The mother is a ship, the mother is a board
The mother is a river, the mother is a land.
But if you ask me about the original mother,
I would say,
The Big Bang is the mother. 
(In the beginning the mother was everything,
and we had no word for her, but we knew who
she was, we still do, albeit we forget at times,
hence these days are important. )

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