Saturday, May 31, 2014

Okay, computer.

There was a road. 

A country road flanked by little rhododendran shrubs. Their green had washed away in the rains leaving a shabby exterior for me to see.

I am glad I remember all these details.

Every little day I would see the pigeon flock scuttling their heads to and fro into that red soil of a reticent country. It was strangely silent.The pigeons seemed wary of the world order, you know, busy and perhaps happy in their chores. I think they were eating those stupid little worms who climbed out from the darkness to taste the pale sky of our world.

Can worms live in red soil?

This went on for sometime, you know. The pigeons kept beating their heads in the ground. Oh, now a postman would be at the scene. He is the country postman. He rides a bicycle and wears a hat. He also carries a tote-bag. He slows down a little. He stands on one side and watches them eat their stomach full.

Yes, I think I made that up a little. 

Beyond the horizon I would now see the sky lit up in works of fire. Oh well, I don't remember much, but I think the postman's bag was full of love letters- they were anointed with a special aroma, yes I could smell it somehow, it's strange right? They looked all the same to me, those letters.

But I never imagined I would see what I saw next, believe me! I saw him walk upto the pigeons and tie each letter around their feet. You probably think now that they would fly away into the oblivion and into the arms of the beloved, but that shit doesn't happen, they keep on eating worms.

So you see doctor, my dreams mirror my life - I write all these letters, hundreds of them, but my pigeons are grounded somewhere
in the past.

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