Friday, July 18, 2014


In Innsbruck there's a toddlers inn
where they throw chocolate
toys at each other and if you ever sat there and
watch them play, I am sure you will
be filled with

It's funny that I consider myself to be a member of 
this first 
quadrant (double positive) that we invent for ourselves, 
yet I was morose, 
watching them,
throw stuff at each other. 

I felt that,
those little things should be tied down
to a post or something, and one mustn't let their hands move 
so much, 

so that when they grow up, they  are not 
going to just 
make their own stupid toys and throw at 
each other and perhaps an 
innocent dog, smiling all the same. 

all the same. 

You must think, 
I am a little mad for saying so, well yeah, 
but I belong to your 
don't I?

When I was young they let me play with books
and I threw all of them back, but in that process I 
remember, there were 
a few diaphanous words that would sometimes seep out 
from those printed paper
which I would learn, 

I would learn 
that terror is the word of my time, and 

I also learnt this -
that it was possible to
break a man's two hundred and six bones only by 
breaking his

and for that you needed 
to make toys

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