I escaped the barracks of my perfect self and for the first time in my life I started living.
I played hide and seek in marijuana fields before traveling back into the time when my parents lived.
I sailed through an ocean of blood shed by brave men and in that way I felt braver.
I made a fool out of myself by being madly in love time and again.
I wept for friends whom I lost.
But I never did anything. I never spoke out.
I ran away from everything. And I just let it be. For life happens. So does love.
Could I have made a difference?
I have been running for a long time, with no direction, absolutely clueless. I have felt better that way.
But it dawned upon me suddenly I am tired of all the running. I need to sit down. I need a direction. I need to change things.
I need to make a difference.
For life is about making a difference.
And love?